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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

My Progress

I already went a bit into the story behind this all in the "My Story" category. As mentioned before this was to be my last experiment before giving up and getting a transplant as so many had before me. Since I never responded to Minox, RU and didn't get any temple regrowth from Dutasteride either it seemed unlikely I'd ever get my dead temples back. I would say I was somewhere around the NW2-NW3 region.

Here's a shot before I started anything related to the Prostaglandin Protocol:

And two from the side as most of my progress pics were shot that way:

My Protocol needed two things which were hard to replace, a way to lower PGD2 or block its receptor, and a way to significantly increase my PGE2 expression or introduce straight external PGE2 through a vehicle. The other points I could address by other means. A groupbuy was started for Seti and straight PGE2 powder. It was relatively hard to finish and got delayed due to people dropping out and other bullshit. Funny enough when people first approached Kane after hearing of our Seti GB Kane would tell them that "Seti needs a special modified version or the stomach acid would destroy it" and that people should buy his OC instead. Which is a complete lie as is clearly visible in the Kythera documents. After we were at about 90% participation in the Seti GB Kane would suddenly announce that he now would be selling Seti anyway (and never again was a word spoken about it having to be some special version ). He first claimed to be able to get it cheaper than our price, then increased his price, and a few weeks later again increased his price to double what we had in our GB. Good old chinese cut throat tactics. And some people are actually dumb enough to fall for it. (I will continue this story and more in the category "On Scammers")
Anyway. I was stuck without Seti and without PGE2 for a while.
So I started looking for alternatives and eventually found some. I added them as I went along, trying to replace those two missing components as best I can with a ghetto protocol. People who think this is a "kitchen sink" approach are entirely wrong and should be laughed at. You need to address 4 different points for real hair growth. Miss one base and you're unlikely to get anything. That's why these pessimistic idiots keep hoping for that one silver bullet, which indeed does not exist. You need the full package. Don't like it? Too bad, that's the way it is.

As mentioned above, I was looking for alternatives and gradually found and added them to the approach. One of the first big ones was, hilariously enough, castor oil. It contains up to 90% ricinoleic acid which activates one of the four PGE2 receptors (real PGE2 activates all four). So that was my first brick stone to lay down. I even took some Castor orally each day, but only enough to not have a laxative effect. This slightly darkened my hair over the weeks and months, and it even had somewhat of a hypertrichotic effect on my bodyhair in general. It even increased the length of my eyelashes. Crazy stuff. Eventually I added Sulfasalazine which systemically skewes the Prostaglandin H2 expression more towards the PGE2 side than the PGD2 one. It's a very poor man's approach to lowering PGD2 . Oh and another thing, I keep reading how some people obsess about PGF2a (Bimatoprost). Let me tell you now why that's stupid. Real PGE2 is way stronger and it actually turns into PGF2a afterwards. So you not only get a double whammy you also get it cheaper and stronger. (I will post my diagram of how Prostaglandins work and metabolize in the category "My theories")

So as I said, I kept adding stuff as I went along to make up for those missing pieces. After around 3-4 months after first starting the protocol I began to see some tiny first results. Funny enough due to the various internal stuff I take it even affected my frontal hairline where I didn't use any topicals.

Here you can see some tiny bits of hair sprouting, even along the hairline. The redness is from having dermarolled a day before which is another important part of the Protocol. You can see some hypertrichosis above my eyebrows, it's from the internal castor oil. You can also see how my hair darkened a bit, but it's not as extreme as shown since it's shot in a different lighting. It's a bit of a crappy pic since I was surprised to see all those hairs and shot it quickly to show it to the other guys at PHG.

This was shot at the 4 month mark. Specifically on 01.07.2015:

I further tweaked the protocol, added and removed some things. Tried to get better lighting. This one specifically marked the day when I added UVB sunburns to further increase endognous PGE2 expression. The big red mark is from that.

This was shot two weeks later on 16.07.2015:

Another two weeks later, results increased enormously and I tried especially hard to get a good shot. I combined four different pics for this. This one really marked a milestone in that the results were now finally visible by naked eye from a normal distance. The makeshift approach paid off.

This was shot on 25.07.2015:

Another two weeks later, results kept getting better, shot on 12.08.2015:

And after yet another two weeks, some minor tweaking of the protocol there was even more improvement. This was shot on 04.09.2015:

Another update. Combined four shots cause I wasn't satisfied with the focus/lighting of any of them. This was shot on 20.09.2015:

As you can see, the new hairs are:
  1. Pigmented
  2. Way thicker than vellus hair
  3. Way longer than vellus and keep increasing in length
  4. Increasing in overall hair density from pic to pic
I have just received my Seti a few days ago and can now get rid of some of the makeshift products. No doubt the real deal will work even better. To be honest I'm already very satisfied with the speed of my regrowth and the results, but why not strive for the best?

I will most likely post a new pic this weekend since it's almost been another two weeks.

There we go another update. Didn't have a lot of time to get the shots right so I simply took one and rotated it to get it as close to the last one as possible. What happened since? I've been on Seti for about two weeks now. I've since received some Cloprostenol and started using it a few days ago. I'm also going to stop Sulfasalazine next week since I have Seti now.

This was shot on 03.10.2015:

To the guys claiming to not be impressed. Where are your results? To the guys claiming "it's not possible", how come neither RU, Dut, Minox nor anything - including those years of using different experimental treatments grew anything on those temples that have been bald for almost 9 years? Yet how come my theory set into a practical approach did? Even on a shitty makeshift approach. 

Let's have some real talk. The majority of those chest thumping forum celebrities are nothing but empty talk. They thrive on the little attention given to them by the less educated because they have nothing else in their lives. They don't understand half of the studies they cite, none of them ever had results outside of the good old "big 3 combo" and everyone eventually ended up with a hair transplant. And to you guys ripping off all those suffering from hairloss with overpriced products. To you guys lying to people and making money off of their problems. I sincerely hope you get ball cancer you scum of the earth.

This section is still a work in progress


  1. Wow the results look amazing! Thank you thank you thank you!

  2. This is soooo awesome. Thank you sooo much

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Awesome results! I hope you will find a stable and definitive protocol in the next months that gives the same results! :)

    1. I would say my protocol is already stable since the hairgrowth just keeps going. But yes I'll try to hurry up with writing the rest. Just not that easy when you have a 9 to 5 job and friends and family.

    2. Thanks man.
      But maybe de PGE2 theorie only can work if it is not compete with DHT.
      PGE2 is a an antagonist of PGD2 that means high levels in PGE2 ->low levels in PGD2.
      But PGD2 accrues because of DHT and Testosterone
      So higher levels in DHT can harm the increasing process of PGE2.
      what do you think?

    3. We can take DHT completely out of the picture with PGD2 inhibition since the damaging effects of DHT are caused by it.

    4. swiss, does this mean just by attacking PGD2 we can eventually drop DHT inhibitors altogether and potentially avoid any long term problems that might arise from systemic DHT inhibition (neurosteroids etc)?

      If so that sounds like great news.

  5. Dude, can you put all this into a bottle and sell it?!

    1. No the FDA would cut my head off lol.

    2. Bravo Swiss... keep up the hard work !! Greedings From Greece !!!

  6. what about your hairline and thickness on the top of your head?
    Is it recovering as well?
    are you still using dutasterid?

    1. I only apply my topicals to the temples but noticed some improvement all around. Yeah, see here:

  7. Wow ! Thank you ! This is just a miracle ! Be aware of the pharm-industrie , they will come after you. What can we expect in the future, do we have to buy from you or do we have to find the ingredients on our own.

    Keep up the good work. I am totally impressed. You are more than smart and wise.

    Kind regards

    1. I'm not selling anything and don't plan to either. I participated in a groupbuy to get the stuff I needed that's all. We're looking for possible alternatives for the harder to get stuff right now. Some of the guys on my are helping me out with that. Maybe we can figure out enough alternatives to turn it into an OTC regiment.

  8. Very well done Swiss,are you considering organising a bulk buy to bring costs down?

  9. It's very exciting to see those results. I'm looking forward to your write up on what you are doing to achieve them. Thank you!

  10. Replies
    1. yo soy de argentina, estoy en phg y hablo con el suizo de vez en cuando. si estas interesado en entrar en algún grupo de compra para adquirir lo que usa el suizo, con otro argentino estamos organizándolo. Si te interesa me decis bro. Saludos desde Rosario.

  11. The forums keep deleting any references to your blog left and right. :) You sir, have made such a huge impact! Thank you Swiss!

    1. Yeah they've been doing that for a while now. Lately they just went to the extreme. They even banned dermarolling because they don't want to see pics of bloody scalps lol.

    2. These assh*les deleted the post i did linking to your blog and discovering..... Matter of time now that people find out the truth. I had posted it on BTT, the website by excellence linked to hair transplant surgeon haha... There is obviously a lot of money in the air.

  12. WOW! I'm simply amazed, minoxidil has worked for me got some good results but this TOPS that! Do you think most if not all your hair will grow back in those areas?

  13. WOW! I'm simply amazed, I've tried minoxidil I did get some good results but these results are much much more better than min. Do you think that most if not all your hair will grow back in those areas?

    1. In theory yes. And now in reality it keeps growing so yes there too.

  14. OMFG, amazing results ! Never seen something like this before ! Did you already receive PEG2 powder ? Is there a groupbuy going on which i can join ? Really need that PEG2 powder and Seti :))

  15. To be honest I don't know what I'm seeing in the pictures.. your long hair and always changing lighting and camera angles makes it impossible to do any proper evaluation.

    1. You must be blind then.

    2. I've said I don't know what I'm seeing - that means I have not came to any conclusion as I also see the fuzz in the sides on the "before" pics.. is it really that hard to keep constant camera settings and lighting? No it's not... this is a mayor thing that everyone keeps goofing on. If you do it properly people can make astonishing animated gifs and even count the hair.

    3. Feel free to send me 2000$ for a hobby photography studio or 5000$ for a trichoscan setup. It's not that easy holding back your hair with ONE hand and photographing with the other. Or feel free to fly to Switzerland every month and take pics of me in person since you think yourself an expert. I do my best, apart from that I have a life and a job like every other person.

    4. Unkown, I don't think you have any idea how hard it is to take a good picture by yourself, he did a pretty dam good job if you ask me. I tried taking a pic of my scalp before but fail miserably, its hard as sht!

  16. Speaking of censorship, I made what I thought was a rather innocuous comment referencing you and your methods on HLT and was immediately permabanned. Clearly there's a lot of excitement about what you're doing, both positive and negative. Thank you and keep up the good work.

    1. Yeah people are getting banned left and right. Not just in relation to me. Some people got banned for discussing dermarolling for example.

  17. Without a shadow of a doubt there's an obvious improvement. Can't actually believe my eyes. Amazing. When's your next update? If I could respectfully suggest that you also add in a 'comparison to baseline' picture which compares your hair from further away to the first picture, because from the zoomed pictures there's definitely an improvement. Why do you keep getting banned from forums, I don't get it, it's not like you're trying to sell anything.

    1. I usually update with pics every two weeks. One guy made a comparison pic here, I lack the time to do all that stuff. Got to concentrate on the essentials for now. You wouldn't believe the amount of emails and questions I get.

      I don't "keep getting banned" because I don't post in public forums anymore. I was on 3, now I am on none. It's people who talk about me who get banned now.

    2. Alright, well I, and I'm sure many silent others really appreciate that you've gone to the effort to come up with, try, and document your progress on a blog. I haven't seen anything like it and I've been looking at this stuff for nearly 8 years. It's really exciting so I look forward to your updates.

      My mistake, I didn't realise, I only look at the forums once every few months. It interesting that any mention of you gets people banned, strange forums, you wonder what their agenda is. Anyway keep up the good work man, you can clearly see a massive difference and I can't see any reason it won't continue.

    3. Swiss I am going to buy castor oil, how do I apply it, do I have to mix it with something?

    4. Please use the to ask questions.

  18. WELL, how come your fingers got hairy in the after pictures? is anyone else holding your hair back for you? i hope i am wrong but i believe there are two different persons in the pictures. sorry.

    1. I cloned myself obviously. Or it might be the hirsutism from the oral Castor that I talked about. Up to you to decide.

  19. how come the hands /fingers holding your hair iback n the after pictures are hairy.
    i really wanted to believe you but it seems we are seeing two different persons in the pictures. the hairline is different as well. sorry....

    1. Because oral castor oil causes hypertrichosis. I've mentioned this plenty of times. Lol sure I made a clone of myself with more bodyhair. Are you crazy? haha :D

  20. hi there I've also been very intrested in pgd2 and pge2 I'm using cet for pgd2 and I used sucra for pge2 but I was shedding hard these days and my hairline receded like 1 cm and I'm having a terrible overall shedding and I suspect sucra for that (because it has something to do with egf) did you experience something like this after adding sucra to your protocol and nice gains

  21. Hi Swiss, can you please tell me how often you use your dermaroller and what size needle you use? Thank you!

  22. Swiss going to buy castor oil, how do I apply it, do I have to combine it with something?

    1. Please use the to ask questions.

  23. i saw your last are growing real hairs!!!live stupid velus
    and i see and density comes...
    keep going friend..all greek hairloss comunity watch your story are the real hope !!!! sory for my terible english

  24. Looks like gold to me! :) Thank you for sharing!

  25. good work. however, your drug of choice, is toxic to your sperm. i wonder why. is there anything else you can take for this? seems like a really bad idea. check it out:
    Earlier observations on infertility related to sulphasalazine treatment were extended and semen samples obtained from 28 patients with inflammatory bowel disease on treatment with sulphasalazine at 2-4 g per day. Semen was examined for changes in density, motility, and morphology before, during, and after withdrawal of sulphasalazine. Gross semen abnormalities were seen in 18 patients on this drug for more than two months. Semen quality improved after sulphasalazine had been withdrawn for more than two months and 10 pregnancies are reported after sulphasalazine withdrawal. Preliminary endocrine and acetylator phenotype studies do not elucidate the mechanism of this important new side-effect of this drug. The time course of the drug's effect on semen quality is consistent with the hypothesis that sulphasalazine or a metabolite, possibly sulphapyridine, is directly toxic to developing spermatozoa. These studies confirmed the preliminary report and suggest that prolonged treatment with sulphasalazine may universally depress semen quality and cause reversible infertility.

    1. I know. It's only temporary though and only at high dosage.
      No there's no easy to find and cheap alternative unfortunately. Hard to find something to inhibit pgd2 that isn't a cox Inhibitor.

      Please use the to ask questions.

  26. Hi, Why not reveal the dosage of your products the way you manage to regrow your hair if the remedy is in your possesion unveil the

  27. Enough with the close-ups, I would like to see how this improvement actually impacts your look. Can you show your full hairline from further away please?

    1. "Enough"? That's not really up to you to decide.
      Yeah I'll see what I can do come next photoshoot.

  28. How are you preparing the PGE2 for topical application?

    What is the PGE2 dose per weight in the powder you are buying, and what is the density of the preparation you make from this?

    Is there any reason you would not use PGE2 on the entire scalp to increase overall density?

    1. It's soluble in water or ethanol.


      Well I have fine density on the rest of my head so it would be a waste.

      Please use the to ask questions.


    1. I think you need to fix your skin condition first. Not sure if the protocol alone will be enough fight that. But once you get that done I don't see a reason why not.

  30. Result is really impressive .Could you please tell me in simple words, what are the ingredients I need to prepare this thing? I appreciate your effort. Thank you

    1. Check out the new section "What to buy and use" for that.

  31. Is this a continuous treatment or will you stop sulfasalazine after archiving total regrowth?

    1. No this is just for regrowth. I've actually stopped using sulfasalazine and replaced it with setipiprant now.
